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Wisdom Teeth Removal

Third molars, commonly known as wisdom teeth, are among the last teeth to develop in the mouth. The late development of wisdom teeth can lead to their displacement outside the normal position of teeth, often into deep areas of the jaw bones, referred to as impacted wisdom teeth. In many cases, these teeth can cause various problems in the jaw and mouth, such as pain, infection, cysts, and dental crowding. Removing wisdom teeth is necessary for many patients to avoid such problems. Typically, your dentist will recommend the removal of these teeth or refer you to an oral surgeon for further evaluation and discussion.

The timing of wisdom teeth removal is crucial in maximizing the benefits and minimizing risks associated with the procedure. Therefore, a consultation with your dentist and oral surgeon is essential to address your wisdom teeth concerns. Many patients choose to have this procedure performed with sedation (going to sleep). Sedation is offered in our state-of-the-art facility designed to enhance the patient’s experience by minimizing anxiety and pain associated with any surgical procedure, using the most advanced technology available in the medical field.

Removal of wisdom teeth is one of the most common procedures performed by an oral surgeon. Dr. Taleb has extensive knowledge and twelve years of experience in removing wisdom teeth. He used to teach this procedure to surgeons in training at the University of Minnesota.

The patient, and sometimes their family members, will be consulted at length about the possible need for such a procedure, including preparation, post-surgery care until healing is complete, expectations, and any possible follow-up to the procedure. Patients and their families will have plenty of opportunities to ask questions and ensure that they are well-prepared and educated about the procedure.

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Our Patients Say

  • Excellent Care

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    I was extremely nervous with getting my wisdom teeth removed. Dr. Taleb made me as comfortable as possible and listened very well. Dr. Taleb also remained calm which helped me stay calm and explained everything as it was happening. Dr. Taleb was fantastic and I'd highly recommend.

  • Best Dental Experience

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    Dr. Taleb removed all four of my wisdom teeth yesterday and I have barely had any pain or swelling after the procedure. He and his staff were very reassuring and comforting to me, especially since this was my first time ever going under anesthesia.

  • A wonderful person!

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    I went in to get all of my wisdom teeth out, and Dr Taleb was friendly, informative, and really put my mind at ease.
    Tucker – Mar 26, 2022

  • Dr. Taleb

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    Dr. Taleb is a doctor that sincerely cares. My daughter was going to have all 4 wisdom teeth removed, but based on her medical history, he would not perform the procedure in the office under anesthesia. He explained EVERYTHING in terms we could understand. He made my crying daughter laugh. He listened and responded to each and every concern we had. After the procedure was performed in the hospital, Dr. Taleb visited me in my daughter's room. My daughter was a champ! The surgery went well. She did not have any complications during the surgery or during the postoperative period. I am so glad we followed his recommendations.
    Cheryl – Jan 27, 2022