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Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent and predictable way to restore missing teeth, helping preserve jaw bone and aesthetics.


Wisdom Teeth Removal

One of the most performed procedures in oral surgery, our highly trained team ensures excellent care and efficiency in removing wisdom teeth.


Bone Grafting

A procedure performed to rebuild bone where needed, maintaining the best tissue, especially around implants.


Full Mouth Reconstruction

Placement of multiple implants that support teeth to rebuild the entire oral cavity with naturally appearing fixed teeth.


Tooth Extraction

Sometimes the only option when all other alternatives fail. This procedure is commonly done, and our team provides the highest level of care to ensure patient comfort.


Impacted Canines

Canines are large teeth that erupt later than others. Sometimes, they require special management to facilitate their eruption.


Oral Biopsies

Evaluation and biopsy of oral lesions are extremely important. We pride ourselves on our thorough evaluation and utilize the best labs in the nation for accurate diagnosis.

pre-Prosthetic Surgery

Pre-Prosthetic Surgery

Sometimes excess tissue in the mouth, or the shape of the tissue, needs to be modified to accommodate fabricated teeth. We have extensive experience in performing this procedure and ensure the adequate fit of future teeth.



Anesthesia, when applicable, helps minimize anxiety and discomfort. Our state-of-the-art facility ensures patient safety and comfort using the latest technology and advancements in anesthesia.

3D Imaging

3D Imaging

Our state-of-the-art scanner and software provide the highest quality images, lowest levels possible for radiation, and great noise reduction for accurate representation of tissue. This enhances the accuracy of surgical planning.